Background Screening
Is background screening a requirement for licensure as an Athletic Trainer?
Yes, effective July 1, 2016, background screening is required by Florida law to be licensed in Florida as an Athletic Trainer. All criminal offenses are reviewed.
How will the applicant know if they are not approved for licensure?
If the results of the background report shows arrests and offenses, or incomplete dispositions, they will receive a notice from the Background Screening Unit requesting additional information. Depending on the types and seriousness of the offenses, the applicant’s file may go before the Board of Athletic Training for further review. If the Board denies the applicant’s file, the applicant will receive an official Intent to Deny Order, which will include a Notice of Rights.
If I complete the requirements to be licensed as an Athletic Training and there’s something in my background, will I be approved for licensure?
Each application is reviewed on its own merits. The Board of Athletic Training has created guidelines for specific offenses to be cleared in the Board office; however, the staff cannot make determinations in advance as laws and rules do change over time. Violent crimes and repeat offenders are required to be presented to the Board of Athletic Training for review. Evidence of rehabilitation is important to the Board members when making licensure decisions.
When the background report is clear, meaning no criminal history, how long will it take to obtain the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) background report, screen it, and issue the license?
If the application is properly completed and the background results are clear, the license will be issued upon the Board’s determination that the qualified applicant has met all requirements for licensure.
If the Board denies the application for licensure, will the applicant receive any refund of background fees?
No, there are no refunds if the Board does not approve the application.
What is the Board of Athletic Training’s ORI number?
The ORI number for the Board of Athletic Training is EDOH 4520Z
How do I find a Livescan service provider in order to submit my fingerprints to the Department?
The Department of Health accepts fingerprints electronically submitted through a service provider approved by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and who is photo capable and is in compliance with the requirements of Florida’s Care Provider Background Screening Clearinghouse pursuant to s. 435.04(1)(e), Florida Statutes. You can view the Livescan Service provider List located on the Background Screening webpage under the Locate a Provider tab.
More information and frequently asked questions
For more information and frequently asked questions please visit the Department’s Background Screening website at: